Data in this database are freely available under the request of citation of this paper and the paper in which the data were published.
origin | provided by group of Prof. Shkuratov at the University of Kharkov, Ukraine |
main constituents | Hematite is an iron oxide, Fe2O3 |
practical significance | the presence of hematite (Fe2O3) concretions in Mars could imply a water-rich past in the Martian shallow subsurfaceon (Chan et al. 2004). Moreover, hematite is one of the mineral aerosol components that can be found in the Earth’satmosphere (Sokolik et al. 1999). |
particle size | measured size distributions Fraunhofer: reff=0.4 μm, veff=0.6 |
particle shape | irregular |
refractive index | estimated to be in the range 3.0 + i[0.01-0.1] |
color | dark red |
scattering matrix | 632.8 nm |
article | Muñoz O, Volten H, Hovenier JW, Min M, Shkuratov YG, Jalava JP, van der Zande WJ, Waters LBFM. Experimental and computational study of light scattering by irregular particles with extreme refractive indices: hematite and rutile. Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 446, pp. 525–535, 2006
See also: Shkuratov Yu, Ovcharenko A, Zubko E, Volten H, Muñoz O, Videen G. The negative polarization of light scattered from particulate surfaces and of independently scattering particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 88, 267-284 (2004) |